Welcome to the AGL Portal
A Training and Education partnership between the Australian Institute of Management (AIM) and AGL.
Supporting each other to grow personally and professionally is a key part of the AGL People Promise, that’s why we have established a partnership with the Australian Institute of Management (AIM) to offer a series of short courses that target business critical skills. These courses are relevant for people who have formal training identified as part of their Career Development Plan.
Course costs will be charged back to your cost centre and it is essential that you have approval from your leader to attend a course before you make a booking.
To find and enrol into a program scroll down to the bottom of this page. Here you can search by location, delivery mode, and area of study, and read short descriptions of the courses on offer. Once you have located the correct course, click the Book Now button to begin your enrolment.
If you have any questions about the below process or can’t find what you are looking for in the portal, please email the Partner Pack team at partnerpack@aim.com.au.